This documentation instructs staff on the use of the Manage Deleted Repository function to restore records. It also shows how to verify that the restored record is properly linked to the Network Zone.
Tag: Policies
Alma Instructions for Alliance Distributed Print Repository (DPR) Titles
This document describes the process for marking Alliance Distributed Print Repository (DPR) records in Alma.
Summit Visiting Patrons – Away from the Library
Policy and procedure for adopting Summit Visiting Patrons from another Alliance member institution.
Vendor Information: Working with the Alliance
Alliance Electronic Resources procedures for vendors
E-Resources Program: Non-Member Affiliates
The Electronic Resources program allows non-members to participate in subscriptions.
Subscription Orders & Renewals
Policies and procedures for electronic resource orders and renewals.
Alliance E-Resources Program: Price Quote Information
Why and how to obtain a consortial price quote for electronic resources.
Council Liaison Roles and Responsibilities
Lists the roles and responsibilities of Council Liaisons for committees, task forces, and teams.
Copyright in Archives West Finding Aids
Copyright guidelines for finding aids submitted to Archives West.
Privacy of Researchers
Privacy Policy for the Archives West website.