Thank you for agreeing to participate in the Orbis-Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository. The titles assigned to your library will be kept in perpetuity according to the terms and conditions of the MOU signed by each participating Council member. Please take the following steps to complete your library’s participation in the DPR:
Apply bookplates:
- For print journals: Apply an adhesive bookplate to each volume of each title listed in Exhibit A and, if applicable, Exhibit B of your institution’s MoU.
- Bookplate template 1 (.docx format)
- Bookplate template 2 (5×3 – .docx format)
- For microforms: No bookplate is required on the individual microform boxes. If practical, a notice stating “This volume is part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance distributed print repository. It does not circulate outside of the library and should be kept in perpetuity” can be posted on the cabinets or storage area of the microforms.
Create and/or mark item record(s):
- Alliance libraries with no item records for bound periodicals: at minimum, create a single item record to indicate the permanent status of the volumes stored as part of the distributed print repository. You are not required to create item records for all the bound holdings.
- The item record should have:
- The “Committed to Retain” setting set to Yes,
- The “Retention Reason” set to “Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository”, and
- A Retention Note stating: “Permanently retain as part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository.” Indicating the retained range of volumes at the end of the note. (e.g., “(Vols. 1-10)”)
- The Item should have an item policy that restricts it to “Library Use Only” (i.e. non-circulating)
- The item policy should generate a fulfillment note that is adequately specific to help Circulation staff understand the reason for the restriction so that they do not override it.
- You may choose to suppress the item record from view in the public catalog, or not.
- Alliance libraries with item records for each bound volume: each item record should have:
- The “Committed to Retain” setting set to Yes,
- The “Retention Reason” set to “Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository”, and
- A Retention Note stating “Permanently retain as part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository.” It is not necessary to indicate the volumes at the end of the note, as the volume is indicated elsewhere in the item record.
- The Item should have an item policy that restricts it to “Library Use Only” (i.e. non-circulating)
- The item policy should generate a fulfillment note that is adequately specific to help Circulation staff understand the reason for the restriction so that they do not override it.

- Batch processing of items: To set the values of “Item Policy”, “Committed to Retain”, “Retention Reason”, and “Retention Note” to a consistent value for a batch of physical item records, gather the item records into a set, and run the “Change Physical Items Information” job on them.
- A note on Retention Reasons: The table at “Configuration > Resources > Collection Retention > Item Retention Reasons” is managed in the Network Zone and distributed to members. If the table doesn’t contain a value you need, please contact the Program Manager for Technical Services to have it added!
Holdings records:
- To support future LHR interoperability between OCLC and Alma, we will follow OCLC’s guidelines for Shared Print Managment for marking Alliance DPR resources.
- Other programs may have different guidelines, so be sure to consult program-specific documentation when marking inventory retained for those non-Alliance programs.
- 583 Action Note field (required) The 583 should contain (at minimum):
- First Indicator = 1 (not private)
- ‡3 Materials specified: Detailed holdings to which the action applies. This should be same range of holdings described in LHR 85x/86x or 866. Indicate gaps if known.
- ‡5 Institution: Archiving institution. Use your MARC organization code. Codes can be found at:
- ‡a Action: “committed to retain” or “completeness reviewed” or “condition reviewed” are the expected terms.
- ‡c Time/Date of Action: Date action taken, in YYYYMMDD format.
- ‡d Action interval: When ‡a=”committed to retain”, specify date when retention commitment expires. If the term of the commitment is not known, indicate “retention period not specified”.
- ‡f Authorization: Archiving program e.g. “Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository”, “WEST”, etc.
- ‡u Uniform Resource Identifier = for Alliance DPR.
- 561 Ownership and Custodial History field (optional, but strongly recommended for DPR (required by WEST))
- Use the 561 field to record the original ownership of the resources retained.
- If volumes are transferred from another institution, these should be reflected in a separate 561.
- Example:

- Control byte 008:20 (optional)
- If desired, set the holdings 008:20 value to “b” (Will not lend).
- 852 Location field (optional subfield data)
- $z: If desired, the 852$z can include a holdings note reflecting the Alliance DPR retention commitment that reads “Permanently retain as part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository.”
- The 852$z can be displayed in Primo in the holdings information area.
- $c special location codes – If you use special location codes in Alma for Alliance DPR materials, these should be reflected in the 852$c.
Bibliographic Records (optional)
- A local bibliographic extension can be added to the bibliographic record to indicate the retention commitment.
- Institutions may use the MARC 974 (Alliance-reserved note) field for noting retention commitments. The field should be added as a local bib extension in Alma (CTRL+L in the Metadata Editor).
- Suggested wording for Alliance DPR notes in the 974 field:
- “Committed to retain volumes [X-XX] as part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository.” OR
- “Committed to retain some volumes as part of the Orbis Cascade Alliance Distributed Print Repository.”
There will be cases where a holding library or completing volume happens to be bound with another volume or title outside the scope of the project or the responsibility of the library. This is okay. Just make sure the volumes for which the library is responsible are included within the span and treated as instructed above.
If any library wants to transfer their DPR commitment to another member of the Alliance, please notify the Program Managers for Shared Content and Technical Services.