In close collaboration with the Resource Sharing and Fulfillment (RSF) community, RSF working groups provide content and documentation, and support capacity building and resource development in the areas of Resource Sharing and Fulfillment.
Each of our libraries has supplied a main contact for operational questions in resource sharing and fulfillment. Use this Summit and Fulfillment Main Contacts list to connect with your colleagues and ask direct questions about services and policies.
Additionally, the RSF Program Manager manages the Alliance’s Courier Service, providing a cost-effective physical delivery network for exchanging library materials for more than 200 participating libraries across Oregon, Washington, and Idaho.
Don’t be shy, but if you are….
We realize that bringing your question up in a community call or email list can be a little intimidating (although we’re all very friendly and eager to interact). If you have a question or issue you’d like some help with but are not yet fully comfortable putting it out in front of the group, use this Anonymous Ask form! Please don’t expect individual replies as the form is completely anonymous, but , if the question or idea is intriguing, helpful or otherwise endearing, we’ll add it to our call agenda and give it some discussion, or email about it on the RSF Discussion list.