Fulfillment Standing Group (FSG)

2024-2025 Projects

The FSG is excited to present these major projects for consideration in the upcoming 2024-2025 term. We will choose two or three of these projects to move into production:

  • Letters – we will work on making Alma emails and notifications more accessible, and work to make our ongoing Letter Project more comprehensive and usable.
  • Calendars – how are they edited, what can they control, and how can they be used with Fulfillment Unit Rules and due dates?
  • Diving into Course Reserves – reserves was the focus of our initial project when FSG was in its infancy but it’s time to revisit this topic with an eye toward new functionality and streamlining processes, including course loaders, bookstore connections, and analytics.
  • Work Orders – what make them work and how to make them work even better!

Recently Completed Projects

  • Life-Cycle of a Loan – A thematic series of documentation following the loan of a physical item from request through loan through overdue through replacement billing.
  • Terms of Use and Fulfillment Unit Rules Cleanup – This project focused on processes and best practices for cleaning up the old and unnecessary TOUs and FURs still present in most of our system from early migration days.


Our group is always creating new documentation and updating the resources we’ve already accumulated. Our work can be found in the Fulfillment Essentials section. Check back regularly to see what’s new!

Have a question or suggestion? Contact the FSG.


The Fulfillment Standing Group (FSG) is charged with:

  1. Improving and standardizing documentation
  2. Strengthening fulfillment and configuration expertise
  3. Providing documentation of best practices and the creation and maintenance of online training manuals
  4. Participating in RSF community calls
  5. Suggesting potential Alliance-wide areas of standardization
  6. Responding to requests with just-in-time training regionally or through web or video-based resources


Kaitlin Cushman

Gonzaga University

Chrissy Hursh

University of Oregon

Drew Jackson

Portland Community College

Victoria Kerr

University of Idaho

Ruby O’Connor

Chair, Fulfillment Standing Group FY24

Central Oregon Community College

Matthew Strupp

University of Idaho

Sara Trott

Oregon State University


Photo of Lori Hilterbrand

Lori Hilterbrand

Program Manager, Resource Sharing & Fulfillment

Orbis Cascade Alliance

Work Phone: (541) 246-2471

Pronouns: she/her/hers