Lori Hilterbrand
Program Manager, Resource Sharing & Fulfillment
Orbis Cascade Alliance
Work Email: lhilterbrand@orbiscascade.org
Work Phone: (541) 246-2471
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Lori joined the Alliance as the Program Manager for Resource Sharing & Fulfillment in August 2019, and she additionally managed the Discovery & User Experience program from October 2020 through July 2022. Her previous positions include Circulation Supervisor at the The Valley Library, Oregon State University and Public Services Unit Coordinator at Hamersly Library, Western Oregon University. Prior to joining Alliance staff she worked extensively on Alliance teams and groups, as well as DJing at a country music radio station for 3 days before being let go.
She possesses skills in fulfillment configuration, letters and notices, making coffee and talking to people. She loves to play board games and ultimately drives others away with her obsessive eagerness. She also has to eat the entire contents of a bag of cookies, chips or candy once the bag has been opened. Beware.
She is based in Eugene, Oregon, but still considers herself a Beaver. The cat and dog are divided in their loyalties, making it a platypus household.