Policy: Cataloging of Titles on Electronic Readers


This policy will enable the Alliance to limit issues from cataloging of titles on electronic readers.


Institutions that:

  • catalog individual titles available on electronic readers (e.g., Kindles); and,
  • attach physical inventory records to the electronic bibliographic record for each title

must localize the individual bibliographic records for each title by copying the record to their IZ.

Records that are not localized appear in other institutions’ Primo instances as being Summit-requestable, leading to patron frustration and confusion, and additional work for resource-sharing staff, who must manually review and decline each request. Additionally, it can also cause bad matches for importing records when libraries use the “prefer record with the same inventory type” setting. It could cause a “true” print record to link to the electronic bib.


Software: Alma

Current phase: Phase 5: Approved

Written by: Technical Services Working Group

Approved by: Technical Services Working Group on 1/24/2017

Last updated: 1/24/2017

Nature of last update: policy approved