Personal Information Change Request Orbis Cascade Alliance recognizes the importance of using chosen names and pronouns. Any contributor to the work of the Alliance may choose the name and pronouns included in the Alliance’s documentation. Before submitting the form below, please review the Personal Information Change Guidelines. If there is information this form does not address or if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Elizabeth Duell.Name to Change(Required)Please give us the name we will be changing. First Middle (if used) Last Name VariationsPlease enter name variations such as initials, nicknames, etc. that might have been used in Alliance documentation. Updated Name(Required)Please give us your updated name. First Middle (if used) Last Updated Name VariationsPlease enter the corrected versions of any name variations above. PronounsPlease enter your correct pronouns. Would you like past occurrences of your name changed as well? Yes No I would like to talk to someone about this. Below, please give us a brief timeline of your Alliance activity, including the full name of the team or group and the term or dates you served. The more information we have, the easier it will be to make this change. Examples: Systems Team, FY19 and FY20 Resource Sharing and Fulfillment, December 2005 to July 2006 DDA 2010-2013 Alliance ActivityGuidelines Acknowledgement I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree with the Personal Information Change Guidelines. Additional CommentsEmailIf you would like to receive a copy of your submission, please enter your email address.