This document gives guidance on how to create, edit, and use record templates in the Alma Metadata Editor.
To streamline the process of creating new bibliographic and inventory records in Alma, it’s possible to use record templates that are either created locally or copied from a shared template in the Metadata Editor.
Where to find templates
In the Metadata Editor, Templates are available from the “Templates” tab on the left-hand pane. Within this tab, there are three types of templates:
- MARC21 Bib
- Holdings
- DC (Dublin Core)
Within each type of template, there are three sections of templates:
- Private: Templates that are only you can see and use.
- Shared: Templates that are visible to and usable by anyone in your institution.
- Community: Templates that are visible to and usable by any Alma customer.

Creating new templates
Creating a template from an existing bib record
Search for an existing bib record out of which you’d like to make a template. Open the record for editing in the Metadata Editor. Before you make any changes, click Save > Save as Template. The template type is set by Alma, based on the type of record you started with. You’ll be prompted to give the new template a name and description. You’ll also need to choose whether the template will be Private or Shared (see descriptions above). You can also click the “Default” checkbox to make this new template your default when creating new records. Click Save.

The template disappears, and you’re left with the source bib record, and a message at the bottom of the screen that reads “Template successfully saved”. Release the bib record without saving it.
Now navigate to the Templates tab of the left pane. Choose the appropriate template type and the section (Private, Shared) that you chose in the last step. Your new template will be listed there. Click on it to start editing.
Once you’ve finished taking out specific data and making the template fit your needs, Click Save to lock in the changes. Alma will confirm that the template has been saved.
Creating a template from an existing template
Open the Template tab on the left side of the Metadata Editor, and click on the section where the source template is located (Private, Shared, or Community). Right-click on the source template, and select the “Duplicate” action.
As with creating a template from an existing bib record (see above), you’ll be prompted to give the new template a name and description and to pick its section (Private or Shared). Once again, you can make the new template your default template at this stage, too. Once you’ve made your choices, click Save.
As described above, navigate to the Templates tab of the left pane. Choose the appropriate template type and the category (Private, Shared) that you chose in the last step. Your new template will be listed there. Click on it to start editing.
Editing existing templates
To edit an existing template, open the Template tab on the left side of the Metadata Editor and click on the template. Make any desired changes, and select the “Save” option when you’re done.
Please do not edit templates shared via the NZ! Templates that are shared through the NZ all have names that start with “OCA – “. These templates should NOT be edited, since they were created by member staff and then reviewed and approved by the Cataloging Standing Group. Changes to the template content need to go through the same review/approval process by the CSG. This structure helps keep the templates stable and usable by all members.
If you want to “tweak” an NZ template for local use, please make a copy of the template (Right-click on the template and choose the “Duplicate” action, then save it as a private or shared template with a new name) and make edits to the copy.
Using templates to create new records
Inside the Metadata Editor, click on the “New” button at the top of your window and choose the template you want to use to create a new record.

If you don’t see the template you want to use listed, click on Templates display configuration. You’ll see a (long) list of templates there. To add a template to the “quick access” list, just click on the “Display in menu” slider next to it. The slider will turn blue. Click Save to close the configuration menu and click on the New button again. Your template will appear in the list.

Once you have the appropriate template in the menu, click on it to start a new record using the template data.
Pro tip: If you’re ever uncertain about whether you’re editing a record or a template, the Metadata Editor gives you several cues to indicate your context. Those cues are highlighted in the screen captures below.