Archival Metadata Harvesting Project Group

FY24 Charge

This project group will review existing processes for metadata harvesting between library platforms, including processes for harvesting records from Archives West, ArchivesSpace, and digital collections platforms into Primo; the ArchivesSpace-to-Archives West EAD harvester; and any other identified processes. It will assess whether these existing processes serve member needs, and whether education or training is needed to help members use them. The group will then identify metadata workflows between platforms where harvesting is not available, and brainstorm possible solutions. The group will make final recommendations to Alliance staff on support for metadata harvesting. 

The group may develop educational documentation and tutorials for members.

The group may collaborate with other Alliance working groups, such as the Normalization Rules Standing Group.

This is a short-term project group, and work is expected to be completed in 5-9 months. The group may recommend extending its charge. The group is likely to meet for one hour biweekly, and up to an hour of work per week is expected outside of meetings.

Outcomes to Produce

Recommendations to Alliance central staff on support for metadata harvesting with Alliance-supported platforms.

May produce educational documentation and tutorials for members.

Recommendations on whether the group should a) end its work in mid-2024; b) extend its charge into summer/fall 2024; or c) convert to a standing group with ongoing responsibilities.


Archival Metadata Harvesting Project Group Final Report (July 2024). The group outlines its recommendations on expanded support for metadata harvesting in its final report.

EAD to ArchivesSpace Table. This table, created by Olivia Inglin (University of Puget Sound) and the Archival Metadata Harvesting Project Group maps elements of EAD to their corresponding fields in ArchivesSpace. The table is intended to help participants with data migration and troubleshooting as they work with Archives West and ArchivesSpace.



Photo of Maija Anderson

Maija Anderson

Assistant Director & Program Manager, Open Strategies and Digital Content

Orbis Cascade Alliance

Work Phone: (971) 373-6152

Pronouns: she/her/hers